The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has acknowledged the claims made in a recent Hindenburg Research report, which alleges that SEBI has not taken any action against the Adani Group. The report also questions SEBI’s decision to issue a show cause notice to Hindenburg Research on June 27, 2024, and suggests that SEBI may have altered the SEBI (REIT) Regulations 2014 to favor a diversified multinational financial conglomerate.
Given the gravity of these allegations, SEBI recognizes the need for an appropriate response to clarify its actions and maintain transparency in its regulatory processes.
SEBI’s official statement below:
“Investors should remain calm and exercise due diligence before reacting to suchreports. Investors may also like to take note of the disclaimer in the report that states that readers should assume that Hindenburg Research may have short positions in the securities covered in the report.”
“The report inter alia claims that SEBI has not taken any action against the Adani Group. It questions SEBI’s action of issuing a show cause notice to Hindenburg Research on June 27, 2024.It further claims that SEBI has made changes to the SEBI (REIT) Regulations 2014, in order to benefit a diversified multinational financial conglomerate.”
“These issues warrant an appropriate response.”