Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Swizton Vein Clinic Inaugurated at Aveksha Hospital

Bengaluru – August 1st 2024 – Swizton Vein Clinic was officially inaugurated at Aveksha Hospital yesterday, marking a significant milestone in the delivery of specialized varicose vein care to the community.  The clinic was inaugurated by Mrs Meenakshi Krishna Byre Gowda, wife of Hon’ble revenue minister, and a Social Worker, praised the initiative and emphasized the importance of addressing vein-related health issues. He said, “healthy citizens make healthy state & nation, it is always advisable to take the help of health experts who specialise in their own streams for cure & prevention for healthy living”.
The Vein Clinic’s primary objective is to offer cutting-edge treatments for varicose veins, including Venaseal, Sclerotherapy, and Radiofrequency Ablation, ensuring that these advanced procedures are accessible to patients at an affordable cost. This initiative is particularly significant as it addresses the growing need for effective vein treatments while prioritizing affordability.
Aveksha Hospital, in association with Swizton Medcare, is expected to serve this flagship centre for delivering these specialized services. With a team of expert doctors, the clinic aims to provide comprehensive care to individuals seeking treatment for varicose veins. The event was also graced by, Dr. Tahsin Neduvanchery, Chairman, Swizton Medcare, Dr Rahul Dev, Interventional Radiologist, Sharath Nair, Swizton Medcare CEO, Mrs. Aarathi Ballal, Director, Aveksha Hosp, Mrs Ujjvala Ballal, CEO, Dr Adithya Ballal, director, Dr Sandeep, COO & all the senior doctors & staff of Aveksha Hospital.
The clinic features advanced technology and expert care from renowned specialists, offering minimally invasive treatments and personalized treatment plans. While 30% of Indians suffer from varicose veins issues, it is mostly women who suffer the maximum due to hormonal changes which occur during pregnancy & menopause. Female hormones like estrogen can weaken vein walls and valves, leading to reduced vein elasticity and an increased likelihood of blood pooling. Additionally, pregnancy places significant pressure on pelvic veins, hindering blood flow and increasing the risk of vein enlargement. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle can exacerbate these issues.
“Varicose veins are considered a chronic condition but are not life-threatening or limb-threatening and should not be taken lightly. However, if left untreated, varicose veins can lead to more significant vein-related issues, such as an elevated risk of blood clots, skin ulcers and swelling.
During the inauguration, Dr Tahsin, Chairman Swizton Medcare also announced plans for upcoming awareness programs and community outreach initiatives.
On this occasion Chairman Uday Ballal said, “Aveksha’s backbone is our community – the medical practitioners, health workers, and the talented teams at different departments that keep the place running like a robust, pumping heart supplying vital nutrients and ensuring the functioning of all the other organs. I intentionally used the metaphor of the heart, instead of a more apt phrase, “the well-oiled machine,” because we function as a collective of human beings who form the heart of this hospital nourished by the values of care, compassion and commitment”.
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